MotionDSP Announces Ikena Copyright New Video Copyright Detection Technology

Contact: Jonathan Hirshon 
Horizon Communications for MotionDSP 

Patent-Pending Technology Works on Clips and Movies, Regardless of Format, Compression or Aspect Ratio

March 13, 2006 – San Mateo, Calif. – MotionDSP, an emerging leader in digital video technology, today announced Ikena Copyright™, a copyright detection technology that matches content solely on the video content.

Ikena Copyright uses a (patent-pending) component of MotionDSP’s military-grade video enhancement technology first announced in October, 2006. As opposed to audio-matching methods, MotionDSP’s unique technology creates a ‘video fingerprint’ by tracking the motion characteristics the video.

Several major online video companies have already expressed strong interest in Ikena Copyright and MotionDSP expects several announcements in the coming months for agreements related to this technology platform.

“Content owners know that audio copyright detection only solves half the problem – video copyright detection is essential to accurately identify copyrighted content, and it needs to stand up to however users manipulate video.” said MotionDSP CEO, Dr. Sean Varah.

Details on Ikena Copyright

Ikena Copyright is a pure video technology; it does not rely on audio fingerprinting in any fashion. Ikena Copyright uses patent-pending video intelligence algorithms (which are based on MotionDSP’s core video enhancement technology) to generate signatures for any video file.

Ikena Copyright’s video signature system stands up to many ‘attacks’ such as:

  • Editing: it can identify clips as small as 20 seconds
  • Low-bitrate compression: it can identify clips that have been re-encoded (i.e.: from their native format to Adobe Flash internet video)
  • Aspect ratio change: 16:9 content compressed into a 4:3 display, or 4:3 stretched to 16:9
  • Cropping: cropping the sides of a video
  • Video quality change: Ikena Copyright can identify videos which have been converted to B+W, or had their color distorted

Ikena Copyright has been designed to scale to a very large database of content, operating on a high volume of matching (i.e.: a database of thousands of hours of copyrighted video, matching tens of thousands of uploaded videos per day).

MotionDSP’s core intellectual property is protected by several patents and is now being delivered to customers through its Ikena video processing service. Ikena is a scalable service for the automated processing and identification of video, designed for high-volume use by content owners such as Viacom®, Warner Brothers® and FOX®, as well as Internet Video sites such as MySpace™ and YouTube™. There is also great applicability for Ikena with mobile carriers such as AT&T®, Verizon® and DoCoMo®.

Company Information:

MotionDSP is an emerging leader in digital video. MotionDSP’s next-generation technology enables internet video sites and mobile carriers to vastly improve the quality video captured by consumer video devices. MotionDSP’s research engineers are leaders in the field of image processing and its management team has extensive experience in consumer electronics and the entertainment industry.


Ikena and Ikena Copyright are trademarks of MotionDSP, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks previously cited are the property of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.

Editor’s Note: Images and logos are available from MotionDSP’s public relations counsel, with a subset available on the company website.


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Kelly Brieger

